“Cut out the middleman PR agencies” -Deal Direct with Connoisseur Magazine!

Written by Ritenis Aksel


“Cut out the middleman PR agencies” -Deal Direct with Connoisseur Magazine!

No expensive PR agencies require!.

Connoisseur Magazine now offers You a Bespoke service to do showcase your Publicity package,..We mean  Spin and images on our Connoisseur Magazine Platform-tout de suite!

So many fawning,… ingratiating, sycophantic and pretentious PR People around and they want your money- but they also change a hell of a lot ,..ostensibly to give you the reassurance in front of your colleagues and other management,….You choose a big name,…and play it safe,…but if You don’t have a humungous budget,….and You want to get a message out there or consolidate your Brands image to a specific demographic!

Get wise and cut out the middleman!

Here’s the truth… PR isn’t rocket science.!

Connoisseur Magazine offers you a great Magazine and Social Media Platform to get the job done,..

You are associated with a prestige publication,.. (which is a well recognized global publication,…talk to many people and they will swear blind they were reading a Connoisseur Magazine on a flight or at the Airport ,…even though we haven’t printed a hard copy for many years ..) and you get good SEO and it enhances your Brand right? We both benefit,…right?!

Let’s face it Connoisseur a buzzword which is tattooed on the brains of most Luxury lifestyle consumers…I mean we are all Connoisseur theser days. and many Magazines continue to frequent our pages for the express reason to steal some ideas or get some inspiration!

Connoisseur Magazine offers businesses award-winning public relations expertise at a fraction of the cost of agency prices. “Your company has a story to tell” and we’ll broadcast your message and introduce you to other media and influencers who want to hear it.

About the author

Ritenis Aksel

Editor and Publisher of Connoisseur Magazine -Join the Team

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