BLOGS/CORRESPONDENTS Wine and Food Diary of Giles MacDonogh

Tales of the Hunter-Gatherer: Marking Time

Written by Giles MacDonogh

Tales of the Hunter-Gatherer: Marking Time

Posted: 6th April 2021

Marking time is never a good feeling, especially when you are getting on in life, but when I look at my children I note that it can’t be any fun at their age either and it is possibly even worse for my nonagenarian mother, for whom life now has no sense at all. Even the smallest things are banned while the plague lurks on every corner. Life is on hold for most of us but where she lives the pandemic is making new strides and claiming more lives.

I sit and wait for news of three or four things, just as I have waited for an upturn for months. Otherwise days slip by more or less unnoticed. I am reading the wrong book (which I am not enjoying and find any excuse to put it down), I pick up a gouge, a pen or a brush, then discard it. The pandemic is perfectly uncreative.

About the author

Giles MacDonogh

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