
Greenberg Traurig Lawyer Helps Women

Written by Aksel Ritenis


Philanthropy in the United States has always taken many different forms. As early as 1831, French writer Alexis de Tocqueville reflected on what to him was a founding principle of American democracy – forming associations with others to ensure the well-being of all citizens.

  1. 1) Pamela Overton, a lawyer and shareholder with Greenberg Traurig’s Phoenix Office who help found the Jewell McFarland Fresh Start Women’s Resource Center
  2. 2) Courtyard of the Jewell McFarland Fresh Start Women’s Resource Center
  3. 3) Two clients using the Employment and Education Computer Center to explore and apply for employment
  4. 4) Lobby of the Jewell McFarland Fresh Start Women’s Resource Center
  5. 5) Dress for Success area where clients are offered clothing to wear for interviews and for jobs

About the author

Aksel Ritenis

Axel is the Editor and Publisher of Connoisseur Magazine "for the Finer Things in Life" and has been the custodian of the magazine for over 10 years and leader of a team of freelance Journalists and Community Members who continue to make it all happen!-Join the Team at Connoisseur Magazine!

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