Luxury Hotels and Resorts

Faena Hotel + Universe

Written by Aksel Ritenis


Faena Hotel + Universe is a five-star contemporary classic hotel that stands apart from other hotels in Buenos Aires and elsewhere in the world in its unique situation and cultural offerings. Facilities include a world-class spa, outdoor swimming pool, award-winning restaurants that serve local cuisine, a cabaret with one of the best tango shows in town and spacious rooms with views of Rio de la Plata on one side and the docks and city centre on the other.

About the author

Aksel Ritenis

Axel is the Editor and Publisher of Connoisseur Magazine "for the Finer Things in Life" and has been the custodian of the magazine for over 10 years and leader of a team of freelance Journalists and Community Members who continue to make it all happen!-Join the Team at Connoisseur Magazine!

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