United Kingdom

Bastille Day London

Bastille Day fanfare
Written by Aksel Ritenis

Bastille Day fanfare
Bastille Day London garden party second edition
The French free summer festival on Sunday July 11

A memorable family day with the French in London. Sing La Marseillaise!

Celebrate the National Day with French in London & London Macadam the French lifestyle media group! For the second year, London will host Bastille Day, the French free summer festival with the French speaking community & all Francophiles & the largest Bastille Day celebration outside France!

About the author

Aksel Ritenis

Axel is the Editor and Publisher of Connoisseur Magazine "for the Finer Things in Life" and has been the custodian of the magazine for over 10 years and leader of a team of freelance Journalists and Community Members who continue to make it all happen!-Join the Team at Connoisseur Magazine!

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