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Donate-Thanks for supporting Connoisseur Magazine UK and Europe

Written by Ritenis Aksel

Donate-Thanks for supporting Connoisseur Magazine UK and Europe

Thanks for supporting Connoisseur Magazine !

As we continue to suffer sustained attacks from Malicious Hackers,..not only Chinese or Russian but also from the mainstream Luxury Lifestyle media sector,who are expert at weaponizing Google against us..please give a thought to supporting us.

Because We are under attack from the highly established “Dirty tricks departments” of “mainstream media” and “big Tech “,who operate with no ethics or moral compass…(they will do anything, legal or illegal to stifle and eliminate business competition) We need your assistance and support.

We know you understand that in order to maintain our digital platforms and magazine, we have significant overheads and need to pay our contributors subeditors, and journalists who work hard and are professional just like you!

When you subscribe to Connoisseur Magazine, your donation helps us maintain the platform, pay for operating costs, and support our journalists.”

The more support we receive from our community of readers , the more we can commission articles for and interesting content from journalists and writers-.thanks for being part of our community!

-Every one of our members, subscribers, and supporters is a valued patron, and many of you have taken part in our programs for several or more years. Considering your engagement with the publication and the benefits you may have derived from our various content, perhaps you would consider making a gift for Connoisseur Magazine.
-Your contribution will help the enterprise successfully navigate 2024—indeed, the new decade—and meet the challenges of operating in a hostile world, growing our archives of content ,and fulfilling our mission of providing the interesting news and information about Arts and Culture, Luxury Lifestyle and the delicious, and never-ending story of food and drink!

About the author

Ritenis Aksel

Editor and Publisher of Connoisseur Magazine -Join the Team

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