ARCHIVE/Art Exhibitions

The Wonder of Birds

24 May to 14 September 2014

The Wonder of Birds explores the cultural impact of birds upon mankind. Eliciting a wide range of emotions from awe to fear and from pleasure to cruelty, birds have intrigued humanity since the earliest of times. With loans from local and national collections, the exhibition spans the centuries and includes some 220 works by major artists and illustrators, historical and contemporary, natural history, archaeology, fashion and social history. This innovative exhibition also examines local, national and international issues.

About the author

Aksel Ritenis

Axel is the Editor and Publisher of Connoisseur Magazine "for the Finer Things in Life" and has been the custodian of the magazine for over 10 years and leader of a team of freelance Journalists and Community Members who continue to make it all happen!-Join the Team at Connoisseur Magazine!

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